Marshall’s Story.
posted in Cat Stories |Marshall is a small, grey, stuffed mouse, who we bought about 15 years ago for our cats to play with. After his novelty had worn off, along with his eyes, ears and tail, he was mostly ignored. A small fabric bag of stuffing with no discernible features and no friends. That was until Grover died.
When Grover died in January 2006, it meant that Dulcie, for the first time in her life, was the only cat in the household. For such a feisty little character, who hadn’t much time for Grover when she was alive, Dulcie took this bereavement particularly badly, refusing to eat or drink, and looking very sorry for herself. That was until she re-discovered Marshall.
He has become her friend and companion. She takes him upstairs to bed at night and often brings him in to watch TV with us in an evening. She even brought him out into the garden once. We move him around, but she always finds him.
As she moves him from room to room she makes a particular meow at the back of her throat. She never makes this sound at any other time, and we can often hear Marshall coming down the hall as she heralds his arrival.
During this summer Marshall disappeared. After a couple of days even I was beginning to miss him. I searched the house from top to bottom, but no joy.
He did turn up eventually. We’d had a lawnmower delivered, and as it was heavy and bulky I’d asked the man to pop it in the hall for me. Unfortunately, he’d ‘popped’ it on top of Marshall.
Apart from being squashed flat, he seemed un-affected by this experience, and soon things were back to normal.
Who would have thought that a 15 year old stuffed rodent could make a grieving cat happy again. I’m only glad that it could.